
“Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning”

Winston Churchill

We tend to focus on the now, but everyone has future monetary needs, whether they are foreseen or not. You may want to just put some money by for peace of mind or you may be saving for specific future goals like retirement, school fees, holidays, or many others. You may have a specific time frame. It makes sense to use spare income now to safely secure future financial needs without tying yourself in to a long financial commitment you may no longer be able to meet.

Some products;

  • Pay high up front commissions
  • Tie you in to a specific time period with large penalties if you stop, suspend or lower regular contributions.
  • Charge further commissions and charges for increased or ad hoc contributions.
  • Historically most people do not reach the end of these plans and lose as a result.

Our recommended schemes are non-insurance based platforms, and where commissions are available we provide them on a NIL commission basis, making their charging structures much more attractive, greatly limiting any penalties on stopping or changing contributons. To summarise;

  • Investments are daily traded with no penalties on selling
  • Fees fully transparent
  • investment options to suit you from a small range of blue chip self-select equity funds to full multi-currency discretionary fund management at all risk levels to suit clients
  • If required, depending on individual circumstances, trust structures may allow distributions on death outside of UK IHT